Amber Nelms
Amber Nelms is 14 years old and attends Charles R. Drew Charter School. She plays the harp. Amber began playing the harp at age 12. Amber entered TDP in the summer of 2022. Ms. Elisabeth Remy-Johnson is her instructor. Amber currently plays in the Urban Youth Harp Ensemble. She has competed in the GMEA Solo and Ensemble. Amber also plays the piano. Upon graduating from TDP, Amber plans to attend college where she will major in biology and minor in music. She hopes one day to own her own dermatology practice and play in a symphony orchestra. Amber also studies under Urban Youth Harp Ensemble instructor Dr. Molly O'Roark and piano teacher Dr. Sue Hampton. At the age of 11, Amber peeked curiously in her sister's room – as she always did – and plucked a string on her sister's harp. She immediately fell in love with the instrument and knew that she wanted to play.